The Bit Course 2.0: Understanding How and Why Bits Function + LIVE Masterclass

Learn How to Confidently Fit the Right Bit to Any Horse for true Comfort, Willingness and Ability and become a Certified Master Bitter in just 6 Weeks!

It's time to stop wasting your money on useless bits that your horse hates and see through the misinformation and marketing propaganda so that you can choose the right bit for your horse or any horse you encounter.

The Bit Course 2.0: Understanding How and Why Bits Function

Learn How to Confidently Fit the Right Bit to Any Horse for true Comfort, Willingness and Ability and become a Certified Master Bitter in just 6 Weeks!

It's time to stop wasting your money on useless bits that your horse hates and see through the misinformation and marketing propaganda so that you can choose the right bit for your horse or any horse you encounter.

Proudly Accepted as a Resource By:

PLUS 25+ Top U.S. Equine Science/Studies Programs

Let me ask you...

  • Have you ever spent money on a bit hoping that your horse would love it, but they ended up hating it?

  • Are you tired of dishonest marketing from big bit companies that just want to get you to buy their bit?

  • Have you been told that bits are BAD but are still curious if they could actually help your horse?

  • Do you enjoy a good laugh and like to keep things casual but informative?

Yes? Then keep reading!

(Drumroll) Introducing...

The Bit Course 2.0: Understanding How and Why Bits Function
+ LIVE Masterclass

Now, for the first time ever! "More Than a Bit… o’ Information" with Daniel Dauphin is available LIVE with new, never released before information and is available right now in an interactive 6 week course! This science-based course is guaranteed to enlighten riders of all levels and disciplines through a comprehensive dive into exactly how bits work and keep you laughing while you learn.

Raving Reviews

"The thing I like about Dan is his genuineness, his knowledge, and his eagerness to help people on any level. His Adult Onset Horsemanship program shows that. What really got me though was his presentation on bits. He had me at, the first connection or feel your horse gets from you through your hand is at his lip. That's how sensitive the horse is to touch. If you want to learn the most about what bits are out there, and what's best about them from the horse's physiology's point of view, then get this course. And bring your sense of humor!"

Jim Masterson

"Daniel is not only a great life long and highly skilled horseman, he is also a scientist of sorts! Daniel has taken all of the guess work and mystery out of how horse bits work on the animals' anatomy! Using his B.S. degree in Animal Science from Louisiana Tech University, Daniel teamed up with professional large animal horse veterinarians and other professional horsemen and applied science and facts to demonstrate just how each and every imaginable combination of horse bit can and will affect, communicate to, impact and fit into a horse's mouth, lay on his tongue, make contact on his gum (bars) and the roof of his mouth! Daniel put many hundreds of hours of research into creating an incredibly informative DVD titled "The Bit Video: Understanding How and Why Bits Function". I found it fascinating with in depth details on how each bit works and WHY we should or should not use one or the other on a horse depending on the many factors to take into consideration; Age, Level of Training, Response Behaviors, etc.! As an aspiring and continuing student of horsemanship myself, I highly recommend you seek out and find this course, watch it, buy it for your kids, your friends, and anyone else you may know who may need to learn, enhance their own knowledge, or the curious continuing student of horsemanship! I want to thank Daniel for his hard work, research and attention to detail in putting this new online course all togther for the rest of us as a learning tool."

Gerry Cox

"I've known Daniel Dauphin for several years and during that time, I've realized that despite the stark contrasts of our backgrounds, locations, and educations, we see eye to eye when it comes to horse work and best practices. I think the world of him and would recommend Daniel for any horse-related challenge.

Daniel could have been like any other guy: hang out a shingle and profess to do great feats with horses. Instead, Daniel has committed to the journey, an arduous, educational one which includes learning from vets, other trainers, researchers, and scientific references of all kinds. It includes daily humility as Daniel applies what he's learned to his work. It requires an open mind and an ability to adjust to what the horses are telling him.

One peeve of mine in our horse industry, and something that is, in fact, supported by research: as experts get more recognized, they also get more dogmatic. They listen less and lose their 'beginner's mind.' I hope Daniel is more and more recognized as a leader in our industry and I'm confident he'll always keep it humble and, oh, very, very funny."

Maddy Butcher

"Daniel presents valuable information I’ve never heard anywhere else. I’d like to say that everyone would benefit from the information, both amateurs and professionals, but it’s more realistic to say everyone NEEDS this information. If you have a horse, you need Daniel’s straightforward, well presented and easy to understand truths. Daniel presents well researched facts and make it highly digestible by being down to earth and downright funny. I’ve recommend his work to all my clients because it’s that important."

Amy Skinner

"I don't know whether it was Daniel's humor or his superpower to simplify

potentially complicated concepts, but this course was beyond informative. It was downright engaging and fun! And don't be fooled by the title. This information is 10% about bits and 90% about improving your horsemanship. It will make you re-think some of the ways you approach riding every day. Get ready to learn... and laugh."

Jec A. Ballou

"Daniel Dauphin is a master when it comes to a bit's function and biomechanical effect on the horse. Daniel's work has been an invaluable asset to my training and teaching practice. I recommend his brilliant and educational offering to horse people around the world at every chance I get."

Nahshon Cook

"I love your style of communication and determination to get the truth out.  Too much "fake news," drama and agenda driven information on bits / bitting (and everything else in horses).  My mission in life is similar to yours - telling the truth without a product agenda. Congratulations again for a great job!  I know how much work is involved in doing this kind of production in addition to the daily chores of life.  Often we question why we do it.  Is anyone listening? Is it worth the extra time and effort?  Shouldn't I be fishing or vacationing with my family?  Then one person or one horse benefits from our efforts and we realize that until we no longer breathe, we will stand up for the horse.  My hat is tipped to you and your "production team" for this outstanding effort."

Geoff Tucker, DVM

Raving Reviews

"Daniel is not only a great life long and highly skilled horseman, he is also a scientist of sorts! Daniel has taken all of the guess work and mystery out of how horse bits work on the animals' anatomy! Using his B.S. degree in Animal Science from Louisiana Tech University, Daniel teamed up with professional large animal horse veterinarians and other professional horsemen and applied science and facts to demonstrate just how each and every imaginable combination of horse bit can and will affect, communicate to, impact and fit into a horse's mouth, lay on his tongue, make contact on his gum (bars) and the roof of his mouth! Daniel put many hundreds of hours of research into creating an incredibly informative DVD titled "The Bit Video: Understanding How and Why Bits Function". I found it fascinating with in depth details on how each bit works and WHY we should or should not use one or the other on a horse depending on the many factors to take into consideration; Age, Level of Training, Response Behaviors, etc.! As an aspiring and continuing student of horsemanship myself, I highly recommend you seek out and find this course, watch it, buy it for your kids, your friends, and anyone else you may know who may need to learn, enhance their own knowledge, or the curious continuing student of horsemanship! I want to thank Daniel for his hard work, research and attention to detail in putting this new online course all togther for the rest of us as a learning tool."

Gerry Cox

"I love your style of communication and determination to get the truth out.  Too much "fake news," drama and agenda driven information on bits / bitting (and everything else in horses).  My mission in life is similar to yours - telling the truth without a product agenda. Congratulations again for a great job!  I know how much work is involved in doing this kind of production in addition to the daily chores of life.  Often we question why we do it.  Is anyone listening? Is it worth the extra time and effort?  Shouldn't I be fishing or vacationing with my family?  Then one person or one horse benefits from our efforts and we realize that until we no longer breathe, we will stand up for the horse.  My hat is tipped to you and your "production team" for this outstanding effort."

Geoff Tucker, DVM

"I've known Daniel Dauphin for several years and during that time, I've realized that despite the stark contrasts of our backgrounds, locations, and educations, we see eye to eye when it comes to horse work and best practices. I think the world of him and would recommend Daniel for any horse-related challenge.

Daniel could have been like any other guy: hang out a shingle and profess to do great feats with horses. Instead, Daniel has committed to the journey, an arduous, educational one which includes learning from vets, other trainers, researchers, and scientific references of all kinds. It includes daily humility as Daniel applies what he's learned to his work. It requires an open mind and an ability to adjust to what the horses are telling him.

One peeve of mine in our horse industry, and something that is, in fact, supported by research: as experts get more recognized, they also get more dogmatic. They listen less and lose their 'beginner's mind.' I hope Daniel is more and more recognized as a leader in our industry and I'm confident he'll always keep it humble and, oh, very, very funny."

Maddy Butcher

"Daniel presents valuable information I’ve never heard anywhere else. I’d like to say that everyone would benefit from the information, both amateurs and professionals, but it’s more realistic to say everyone NEEDS this information. If you have a horse, you need Daniel’s straightforward, well presented and easy to understand truths. Daniel presents well researched facts and make it highly digestible by being down to earth and downright funny. I’ve recommend his work to all my clients because it’s that important."

Amy Skinner

"Daniel Dauphin is a master when it comes to a bit's function and biomechanical effect on the horse. Daniel's work has been an invaluable asset to my training and teaching practice. I recommend his brilliant and educational offering to horse people around the world at every chance I get."

Nashton Cook

Here's what you'll learn

inside this course:

Chapter 1

Your Horse's Anatomy and Physiology

We're not wasting any time here, folks! In this chapter we're going to cover how your horse's body is naturally designed to move and the impact bits can have - both positive and negative.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • The visual and mental impacts that different head positions have on your horse

  • How the tongue and hyoid apparatus influence the entire horse's body - and why this is WILDLY important

  • How the different cervical vertebrae in your horse's neck affect their ability to move different ways

  • The facts on how to make bit decisions based on the anatomy and maturity of your horse's mouth

  • If your horse is telling you they hate, tolerate or love a bit based on their body language

  • How to properly fit your tack based on the neurology and pressure points on your horse's head

You’ll never look at a horse being ridden the same way again!

Chapter 1

Your Horse's Anatomy and Physiology

We're not wasting any time here, folks! In this chapter we're going to cover how your horse's body is naturally designed to move and the impact bits can have - both positive and negative.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • The visual and mental impacts that different head positions have on your horse

  • How the tongue and hyoid apparatus influence the entire horse's body - and why this is WILDLY important

  • How the different cervical vertebrae in your horse's neck affect their ability to move different ways

  • The facts on how to make bit decisions based on the anatomy and maturity of your horse's mouth

  • If your horse is telling you they hate, tolerate or love a bit based on their body language

  • How to properly fit your tack based on the neurology and pressure points on your horse's head

You’ll never look at a horse being ridden the same way again!

Chapter 2


Bits are simply tools. While there are tools that are more and less appropriate for certain tasks, it’s ultimately the skills of the operator of that tool that determines the quality of the outcome.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • How you can handle your reins with more finesse and feel

  • The difference and impact of riding with Dynamic and Monotone hands

  • Riding with an independent seat

  • What contact should and shouldn’t be

  • Tips on maximizing your warmup time

Chapter 2


Bits are simply tools. While there are tools that are more and less appropriate for certain tasks, it’s ultimately the skills of the operator of that tool that determines the quality of the outcome.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • How you can handle your reins with more finesse and feel

  • The difference and impact of riding with Dynamic and Monotone hands

  • Riding with an independent seat

  • What contact should and shouldn’t be

  • Tips on maximizing your warmup time

Chapter 3

Bit Design and Function

Even in the best horseman's hands, a poorly designed or incorrectly positioned bit will be an obstacle that skill alone can't overcome. These often overlooked factors can really make life difficult if neglected or not understood.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • Materials bits are made of and how to select the one best for your horse

  • How to correctly set up your bridle for the proper bit position

  • How to measure your horse's mouth for a bit

  • Finding the right weight of bit

  • How the diameter/surface area of a bit affects it's severity

Chapter 3

Bit Design and Function

Even in the best horseman's hands, a poorly designed or incorrectly positioned bit will be an obstacle that skill alone can't overcome. These often overlooked factors can really make life difficult if neglected or not understood.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • Materials bits are made of and how to select the one best for your horse

  • How to correctly set up your bridle for the proper bit position

  • How to measure your horse's mouth for a bit

  • Finding the right weight of bit

  • How the diameter/surface area of a bit affects it's severity

Chapter 4


Snaffles are the most common bit out there, but most people don’t actually understand the defining characteristics that make a snaffle a snaffle. We'll really get into how these bits are intended to be used and when they are or aren't helpful to your horse.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • The variety of mouth and cheek pieces that create a "snaffle"

  • The basic mechanics of all snaffles

  • The pressure points of a snaffle and why the nutcracker effect is a myth

  • The signaling sequence from your reins to a snaffle bit

  • Marketing tactics to watch out for when shopping for snaffles

Chapter 4


Snaffles are the most common bit out there, but most people don’t actually understand the defining characteristics that make a snaffle a snaffle. We'll really get into how these bits are intended to be used and when they are or aren't helpful to your horse.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • The variety of mouth and cheek pieces that create a "snaffle"

  • The basic mechanics of all snaffles

  • The pressure points of a snaffle and why the nutcracker effect is a myth

  • The signaling sequence from your reins to a snaffle bit

  • Marketing tactics to watch out for when shopping for snaffles

Chapter 5

Curb/Leverage Bits

We carefully define what leverage bits are and the basic mechanics that they all have. We also delve into the nuanced differences between English vs Western leverage bits and how the mouthpieces and cheek styles affect the horse's lateral and vertical mobility.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • How your mouthpiece and cheekpiece affect your horse's mobility

  • How changes made to the mouthpiece can change the function of the bit

  • What is appropriate for what training stage or problem, and what isn’t

  • The skills that your horse might need before stepping up into certain bits

Chapter 6

Selecting Curb/Leverage Bits & Training Aids

We dive deeper into selecting the right curb/leverage bit for your horse, how to correctly introduce a curb/leverage bit to your horse, and how additional training aids such as tie downs, martingales, draw reins, & more influence your horse.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • How the cheekpiece and design of your leverage bit influences it's balance

  • How to correctly transition your horse from a snaffle to a shanked bit

  • The affects of supplemental training devices like martingales, tie downs, draw reins and more


Chapter 5

Curb/Leverage Bits

We carefully define what leverage bits are and the basic mechanics that they all have. We also delve into the nuanced differences between English vs Western leverage bits and how the mouthpieces and cheek styles affect the horse's lateral and vertical mobility.

At the end of this chapter you'll understand...

  • How your mouthpiece and cheekpiece affect your horse's mobility

  • How changes made to the mouthpiece can change the function of the bit

  • What is appropriate for what training stage or problem, and what isn’t

  • The skills that your horse might need before stepping up into certain bits

  • The affects of supplemental training devices like martingales and tie downs



And join the MASTERCLASS LIVE with Daniel Dauphin

for Premium Access to Exclusive Trainings and Q&A Sessions every single week!

In your wildest dreams you cannot imagine the marvelous surprises

that await you & your horse!


And join the MASTERCLASS LIVE with Daniel Dauphin

for Premium Access to Exclusive Trainings and Q&A Sessions every single week!

In your wildest dreams you cannot imagine the marvelous surprises that await you & your horse!

"I promise that buying this course will be some of the best money you’ve ever spent on your equine education."

Become a Certified Master Bitter

Step 1:

Complete the Course

Step 2:

Pass the Test

Step 3:

Receive your Master Bitter Certification

As a Certified Master Bitter you'l have the newfound knowledge to confidently choose and fit the correct bit for your own horse or any horse that you encounter!

But wait...There's MORE!

Bonus #1

Must Know Bitting Quick Guide

Looking for answers to your top bitting questions? With this Quick Guide you'll get Daniel's exact answers and real facts to the must know bitting information you need!

Bonus #2

Never-Seen-Before Interviews with Leading Industry Professionals

Meet the minds behind The Bit Course in exclusive trainings and interviews hosted by Daniel.

Next Class Starts Soon!

Join the Waitlist For First Access to

The Bit Course 2.0:
Understanding How and Why Bits Function
+ LIVE Masterclass

My 14-Day Money Back Guarantee
to give you full confidence in your decision to sign up today!

If within 14 days of starting this course you decide that it's not for you —we'll chalk it up to a "well, we gave it the ol' college try!" and give you a full 100% refund, no questions asked.

All you need to do is email us at and we'll get you set.

Raving Reviews

"Great source of info: experience, results, science, logic, and common sense tempered with wit! Refreshing to find a trainer/clinician as concerned with providing knowledge that will benefit the horse and horseman rather than just marketing a method."


'Finally!!! I have been looking for someone to explain bits in an easy to understand and concise way! This makes so much sense as to what the bit is doing when I am giving pressure with my reins (hands). I feel like everything else I have watched made this so complicated and I still never understood the mechanics."


"For me bits have been the most confusing part of having horses. You’ve made it very easy to understand. Not everyone is good at teaching, but you are! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It definitely benefits the horse and rider relationship."


"Mr. Dauphin has taken the time to research, understand, and find creative ways to explain one of the most misunderstood and complicated bits. He not only has the knowledge, but he also has experience riding horses, training horses, and training students to become riders. He has obtained "Unconscious Competence" however he has taken the time necessary to analyze his competence, break it down into steps, and teach it while making the topic enjoyable to learn."


"I think we can all agree there’s so much conflicting information out there on bits and their different uses and Daniel does a fabulous job at clarifying all the questions I ever had or probably ever will! The format he uses is very easy to understand and along with his much appreciated sense of humor to go along with it, it is a very fun and informative watch!Highly recommend purchasing the series and I have been able to not only understand so much more about my own horse and what may or may not be appropriate for her but also able to transfer information to many people regarding questions they have as well. Information is power and Daniel certainly delivers!"


"Great source of info: experience, results, science, logic, and common sense tempered with wit! Refreshing to find a trainer/clinician as concerned with providing knowledge that will benefit the horse and horseman rather than just marketing a method."


'Finally!!! I have been looking for someone to explain bits in an easy to understand and concise way! This makes so much sense as to what the bit is doing when I am giving pressure with my reins (hands). I feel like everything else I have watched made this so complicated and I still never understood the mechanics."


"For me bits have been the most confusing part of having horses. You’ve made it very easy to understand. Not everyone is good at teaching, but you are! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It definitely benefits the horse and rider relationship."


"Mr. Dauphin has taken the time to research, understand, and find creative ways to explain one of the most misunderstood and complicated bits. He not only has the knowledge, but he also has experience riding horses, training horses, and training students to become riders. He has obtained "Unconscious Competence" however he has taken the time necessary to analyze his competence, break it down into steps, and teach it while making the topic enjoyable to learn."


"I think we can all agree there’s so much conflicting information out there on bits and their different uses and Daniel does a fabulous job at clarifying all the questions I ever had or probably ever will! The format he uses is very easy to understand and along with his much appreciated sense of humor to go along with it, it is a very fun and informative watch!Highly recommend purchasing the series and I have been able to not only understand so much more about my own horse and what may or may not be appropriate for her but also able to transfer information to many people regarding questions they have as well. Information is power and Daniel certainly delivers!"


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